A bunch of people are going to try to read for 24 hours straight, forgoing showers and loved ones in the name of books? That's crazy!
...I'm in!
The Read-a-Thon starts in eight hours and I'm sooo looking forward to it. I already went out and bought snacks (mmmm salt) and have tea (black, green, and ginger) at the ready. My fiance's sick so he doesn't mind laying low all day, a big plus.
My books are at the ready too - I just got a card at my huge state library (yea!), quadrupling my hold slots and giving me ten times the ebook selection I had before. Here's what I downloaded:
Crossed by Allie Condie (Matched #2)
Kiss of Crimson by Lara Adrian (Breed #2)
Shadow Kiss by Richelle Mead (Vampire Academy #3)
Escaping Into the Open by Elizabeth Berg
Dead Inside: Do Not Enter by Lost Zombies (graphic novel)
I'm thinking about rereading Night Huntress #1 if my brain goes mushy, and there's always more graphic novels I can check out, too.
Things kick off at 9pm here - talk about weird timing! I'm going to try and get a nap in this afternoon and get all of my knitting and letter writing out of the way.
As far as goals go I'm aiming for 1000 pages, or 60 pages an hour for 18 hours. I'm not sure how quickly I read, to be honest, but it's a nice round number. The graphic novel feels like cheating... maybe I'll count five of those pages as equal to one novel page. Finishing three novels would be nice.
Later tonight I'll put up a Read-a-Thon post proper, with updates for each hour and any mini challenges I decide to do. Now I just need to calm down enough to take that nap!
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